- Childhood Immunisation
- Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinic
- Maternal and Child Health
- Family Planning
- Influenza Immunisation
- Testing for HIV-Better to know
- Diabetic Clinic
- Asthma and COPD Clinic
- Anticoagulation Clinic
- Travel Advice and Immunisation
- Minor Surgery
- Women’s Health
- Pneumococcal Vaccination
- Shingles Vaccination
- Medical Check –Ups
- Dietician
- Phlebotomy (Blood testing)
- Counselling
- Asthma and COPD Clinic
- Talking Therapies
- Smoking Cessation
- Shape-Up Weight Loss Programme
- Acupuncture
Diabetic Clinic
Dedicated clinics are held on Friday mornings and are run by Dr Thakore with two nurses trained in looking after patients with diabetes. Patients can make appointments via reception and will be given a form for fasting blood tests which should be done about a week before the appointment date. Specialist podiatry care, dietician advice and eye screening can also be arranged.
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Minor Surgery
We have a fully equipped minor operations theatre within the surgery. Dr Thakore is specially trained in the removal of lumps and bumps, joint injections and cryotherapy (‘freezing’ treatment). The clinics run all day on Mondays. Please book in via reception and ask for a Minor Surgery appointment.
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Women health
A range of sexual and women's health services are offered at the surgery including: 1) Cervical smears 2) Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Hepatitis B and C 3) Starting, repeat and emergency contraception 4) Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) clinic 5) Antenatal and Postnatal clinic 6)Menopause care and HRT Clinic. If you need advice and support with a sexual health matter or you think you have a problem you would like to discuss, please make an appointment with the GP or Practice Nurse. Please follow the links to find more information regarding: 1) Sexual health – https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/, 2) Contraception including Long-acting reversible contraception) – https://www.shl.uk/contraception and 3) Women's Health – https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health
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The menopause can be a difficult time for some women especially as there are so many conflicting messages about the risks and benefits of HRT in the media. We are able to offer referral for bone mineral density and ultra sound scans as necessary and give up to date advice on treatment and monitoring. We are not able to issue prescriptions for HRT on repeat, but once you are stabilised on your treatment prescriptions for six months or longer will be issued
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Maternal and Child Health Clinic
This clinic takes place on Thursday mornings and enables pregnant and new mothers to have their routine checks and ask for advice. We advise that you make your first appointment about 6-8 weeks following the first day of your last menstrual period and following a positive home pregnancy test. We usually offer shared care with the hospital of your choice. The clinic also offers you advice about your child’s health and your baby’s developmental checks at 8 weeks and 8 months as well as childhood immunisations. One of our health visitors is available during the clinic for baby weighing, advice and routine health checks.
Childhood Vaccination Schedule
Testing for HIV – Better to know
HIV is now a treatable medical condition and the majority of those with the virus remain fit and well on treatment. Despite this, a significant number of people in the UK, especially in London, are unaware of their HIV infection and remain at risk to their own health and of passing the virus unwittingly on to others. Late diagnosis of HIV makes treatment more difficult and less effective. We offer all new patients the chance to be screened for HIV at the surgery. Just ask the nurse at your new patient check up. You will not have to answer any questions or enter into discussions you do not want to although you are welcome to ask as many as you like. We will let you know how and when to get your results in complete confidence and will help you with advice on future testing if required. Even if you are not newly registered with the practice, just ask for an HIV blood form at reception and we will arrange a test for you. Surely it is better to know? Take up the offer of a free HIV test.
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Our Services
- Home Page
- Our Services
Family Planning
All our doctors and nurses are able to provide up to date, safe contraceptive advice. If you have chosen to use the oral contraceptive pill, we would like you to be seen by one of our doctors for your first appointment. We also provide depo contraceptive injections and contraceptive implants (Implanon). We offer coil (IUD or IUS/Mirena) fitting. You can either book an appointment to see one of the nurses or doctors or attend the walk-in Women’s Health Clinic held on Tuesday afternoons. Visit www.fpa.org.uk for more information.
Asthma and COPD Clinic
We offer respiratory management as well as spirometry testing for lung function. Your treatment will be assessed and changed if necessary and follow up arranged as required so we can optimise your care.
Influenza Immunisation
If you are over 50 years old or high-risk ( if you suffer from asthma, heart disease or renal disease etc.) you will be offered an annual free influenza immunisation. Information about special clinics is sent out in September, when the campaign starts. Influenza immunisations are very safe and are also offered to all pregnant women. If you do not fall into one of these groups eligible for free NHS influenza immunisation but would like to be immunised, a small fee will be payable.
Pneumococcal Vaccination
This is a once in a life time vaccination that prevents a serious form of pneumonia. If you are over 65 years of age or considered to be in an 'at risk' group you. are entitled to have this vaccination. Please, just ask one of our nurses or at reception.
Anticoagulation Clinic
Our practice nurses are specially trained in the accurate monitoring of anticoagulation therapy (warfarin) If you are receiving anticoagulation therapy, we are able to test your blood on site and by using a computer programme, we can work out a regime tailored to your individual needs. Our nurses are supervised by our doctors on site and have direct access to a specialist consultant in a local hospital. This service means that your treatment will be able to be monitored closer to your home.
Travel Advice and Immunisation
We offer a comprehensive travel advice service where a personal immunisation plan can be worked out for you by our practice nurses. Some of the immunisations are not free and a fee will be charged. Ideally, please contact the surgery for an appointment at least six weeks before departure is planned. The practice is registered as a Yellow Fever Centre.
Childhood Immunisation
All your child’s immunisations are offered by the practice. These can either be done in the Maternal and Child Health Clinic or by one of our practice nurses in a routine clinic which may be more convenient. Please bring your child’s Red Book to the appointment so that the immunisations given can be accurately entered at the time they are given.
Shingles Vaccination
A vaccination to prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease is now available on the NHS if you are in your early or late seventies. This is a once in a lifetime vaccination and reduces your risk of getting shingles. We will send you an invitation when you become eligible for the injection.
Medical Check Ups
If you have recently registered with the practice, we will ask you to see one of our nurses for a medical check up involving a life style questionnaire, height and weight measurements and urine testing and appropriate blood test screening as well as relevant advice. Other routine checks are also possible on request and we are currently offering checks to everyone over the age of 40 years. If you would like one and have not yet received an invitation, please ask for an appointment at reception.
Phlebotomy (Blood testing)
If a VMC GP or nurse says you need a blood test you may book an appointment by phone, online or at the desk. Reception will check that a clinician has recommended a blood test before they will book an appointment
Talking Therapies
The Westminster Talking Therapies Service offers psychological assessment and treatment if you suffer with depression and anxiety disorders. The treatments are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Various treatment options are offered including Guided Self-Help, Individual Therapy, Groups and Computerised CBT. The option best for you will be discussed with you according to your needs. As well as individual treatment we also offer groups and workshops on issues related to good mental health such as improving your sleep or assertiveness skills. You can be referred by your GP or you can refer yourself by filling in a form available from reception or by telephoning 030 333 0000.
Smoking Cessation
Want to stop smoking? Tried and find it hard to quit? Come and speak to our smoking cessation adviser or one of the practice nurses. They are all trained to help and support you to stop smoking. They are fully up to date with all the new medications that help smokers to quit. Please contact reception for details.
Anna Kiff offers routine appointments for acupuncture which take place at our branch surgery at Lees Place. For an appointment please contact reception at Lees Place on 020 7036 6060 or contact Anna directly on 07917 400 905 or at annamkiff@hotmail.com.
Health Checks
Patients aged 16-74 who have not been seen in the last three years are entitled to a health check. Additionally, patients aged 75 and over who have not been seen in the past year are entitled to an annual health check. To schedule an appointment, please contact our reception team.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
- To receive care from a qualified healthcare professional.
- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- To have access to your medical records.
- To attend scheduled appointments or cancel in advance if unable to attend.
- To provide accurate and complete information about your health.
- To treat practice staff and other patients with respect.